If you are creating software for handheld devices, PDA, mobile phones, or IP-telephony tool, Phone Toolbar Icons will not feel out of place. Make your software look and feel professional with this perfectly balanced and stylish set of icons. Phone Toolbar Icons are developed to be perfectly legible and easily recognizable on any screen, and work as a matching set, sharing common style, gamma and colors.
Your order gets you a fully functional version of Phone Toolbar Icons set with each icon coming in multiple versions. Each icon comes in all sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels, and three states: normal, disabled, and highlighted. Color depths of 16, 256 and 32-bit True Color are supported. All icons are supplied in Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG formats.
Phone Toolbar Icons - 48x48
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Copyright © 2005-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
Individual Ready Icons
You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.
Icon Usage Agreement
Software Toolbar Icons is a pack of top-notch handcrafted icons created by experienced artists for developers and webmasters. This icon set covers a broad range of software-related subjects.

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Security Software Icons is a set of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in business and personal products, such as software, websites and presentations. The icons present a marvelous color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.