Medical Toolbar Icons will enhance any medical application used at hospitals, medical test labs or by health care professionals. The library is a comprehensive set of icons covering most applications of a typical medical application, Web site or database. The set contains icons depicting various medical objects, social roles, and professions, including Ampoule, Syringe, Ointment, Thermometer, Doctor, Nurse, Dentist, Cardiologist, Patient, and many more. All icons have been handcrafted by professional artists. Get more than 300 images instantly for just $99.95!
Each icon comes in a variety of states, sizes, color resolutions and file formats. Each icon from the medical collection comes in sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels, and is supplied in 16 and 256 colors as well as in 32-bit True Color. In addition, all icons come in three states: normal, disabled, and highlighted. All icons are supplied in Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG formats.
Medical Toolbar Icons
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Doctor Icons Brought Together With Medicine Icons, Health Icons, Medicine Clipart and Medical Application
Icons are images or pictures that are used as a symbol of a given topic or discussion which can be communicated to people in picture form. Using icons in communication can be very useful especially where the one being communicated with is illiterate; in other words it's easier for one to relate to a specific thing through pictures than through literature. This and other specific reasons show the need for one to use icons in any information given out.
Moreover, icons give information an authentic beauty to the user. Icons are mostly used on the desktop of computers; however, there are different kinds of icons for different institutions that need or require them. For example: there are medical, healthcare and doctor icons, as well as many others.
Medical icons are pictures or images for medical purposes. These images can contain pictures of either medicines used for prescription to the patients; or the sets of tools used by doctors for operating and other things, depending on the relative medical department. The medical icons can be created or can be downloaded through browsing the internet; you can come across a suitable medical icon and just upload it if you want to.
Although there are many different kinds of icon libraries, the majority of them do not focus on medical icons; however, the Centigrade icon library is starting to mainly focus on medical icons in order to reduce the gap there is in the market of creating icons. Currently, Centigrade has been conducting medical and healthcare icon projects, which have involved the upgrading of old icons, giving them appropriate shapes and sizes as well as adding colors to the icons.
Centigrade has recently created icons that relate closely to the professional work done in the medical domain. It also offers a free download of the medical icons for one to use in carrying out a specific project; either in software; online services; templates or themes. The medical and healthcare icons can be used in industrial health software to boost and advertise a health institution.
Healthcare icons, on the other hand, are more or less the same pictures and images associated with the doctor icons and the medical icons. The difference is that health icons are vivid icons that are associated with healthcare services. Just like other sets of icons the healthcare ones are artistically designed by web designers.
The healthcare icons are of benefit to people who are carrying out projects and need icons to give their projects a positive and more colorful message to the customers, and furthermore these icons attract the customers. The doctor icons are more or less the some thing as the icons associated with the medical icons and healthcare icons. They are mostly used in doctors' software and other medical centers. However, there should also be medical clipart placed in medical application forms or software that shows the medical application. The medical clipart adds authentic beauty to the medical application programs.
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